Lough Hyne
A Very Unique Salt Water Lake
Lough Hyne
Castletownshend is a picturesque village, featuring some beautiful Georgian houses and the iconic two large sycamore trees curiously positioned in the middle of the main street. The steep road through Castletownshend, wrapping around the two trees, leads down to the pier and The Castle. The church, St. Barrahane’s, that towers over the harbour is 200 years old and well worth a visit. Also highly recommend is a visit to Drishane House at the entrance of the village. Beautifully situated, it is the home of Edith Somerville, who in partnership with her cousin, Violet Florence Martin, wrote several novels and short stories set in West Cork, including The Real Charlotte and Some Experiences of an Irish R.M., which was adapted into a T.V. show in the 1980s. Explore the garden with its wonderful paths leading through eighteen acres of woodlands and gardens, boasting some of the most spectacular coastal views in West Cork.
Fairy Woods - Rineen, Castlehaven
Believe in Magic
Rineen Woods
Drombeg Stone Circle
Unveiling the Mysteries of Ancient Ireland
Drombeg , Glandore